Nevada’s Premiere Youth Shotgun Shooting Sports Program
For youth from fifth grade all the way through college.
“Shooting teams provide wonderful opportunities for students to make friends, to develop confidence, to learn discipline and leadership skills, just like other sports.” Larry Potterfield; MidwayUSA Foundation Founder
Welcome to the Nevada Youth Education in Shooting Sports Program.
By joining NVYESS, you are participating in a Youth Education Shooting Program that endeavors to teach the safe handling of firearms while at the same time develops positive life skills to Nevada Athletes. Athletes and member clubs may choose to be members of other youth shooting organizations. They may also choose to register their targets with ATA or NYSSA; however it is not a requirement
SSYSS/YESS is governed by a representative from each of the 6 youth shooting member clubs in the State. As of August 2013 those groups include, White Pine Clay Breakers-Ely, Tenabo Clays-Crescent Valley/Battle Mountain, Comstock Hot Shots 4-H Club-Reno, Comstock Clay Breakers-Reno, Carson Valley Clay Commanders-Gardnerville, and Ruby Mountain Clay Breakers-Elko. The Ruby Mountain Clay Breakers Board consists of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 4 Board members.
The true backbone of the SSYSS/YESS are the parents, adults and volunteers who organize and run the program at the local and state level. All coaches, officers and directors are volunteers in which their greatest reward is seeing our young athletes set and attain their personal goals and go on to be a moral, upstanding pillar of the community.
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